Working Definition
Catholic Counseling is when the therapist and client agree to adhere to Catholic Truths as taught by the Magisterium. The therapist understands the major role that these Truths play in daily living, and has training in Catholic Theology in order to apply them correctly. The client must also have some understanding of these truths or at least the openness to learn them.
These truths will permeate many of the topics discussed during counseling. Catholic resources, books, videos, articles, etc., from other authors that adhere to these Magisterial Truths may be used in therapy.
Articles to read!
Spirtual Direction strives to bring the supernatural life to a person, therefore it is directed to the directee:
Counseling strives to enable a person to bring himself/herself to be fully functional; therefore, it involves bringing the fullness of life out of the gifts that God has given counselee.
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